List of Accepted Special Sessions:
- Advanced Applications of Microphone and/or Loudspeaker Arrays, organized by Mingsian Bai (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
- Signal Processing and Air Interface Design for Beyond 5G Wireless Communications, organized by Hongyang Chen (Fujitsu Lab, Japan)
- Advanced Computational Methods for Multi-Dimensional Data Processing, organized by Stephen Mclaughlin and Abderrahim Halimi (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
- Localization for Audio Applications, organized by Heinrich Löllmann (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) and Christine Evers (Imperial College, UK)
- Smart Sound Processing over Acoustic Sensor Networks, organized by Gema Piñero (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain) and Amin Hassani (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- Large-Scale Optimization and Signal Processing for Big Data and Machine Learning, organized by Yang Yang, Symeon Chatzinotas (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) and Marius Pesavento (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
- Multichannel Signal Processing of Bioelectrical and Biochemical Data, organized by Amar Kachenoura and Laurent Albera (Université de Rennes1, France)
- Advances in Signal Processing and Optimization of Radar Transmitters and Receivers, organized by Tuomas Aittomäki (Aalto University, Finland)
- Advanced Methods for Robust Direction-of-Arrival Estimation, organized by Bin Liao (Shenzhen University, China)
- Waveform Diverse Array and System Signal Processing, organized by Wen-Qin Wang (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China) and Jingwei Xu (Xidian University, China)
- Signal Processing and Communications for Drone Surveillance, organized by Zhiguo Shi (Zhejiang University, China), Guan Gui (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China) and Yujie Gu (Temple University, USA)
- Sparse Array Design and Its Applications, organized by Wei Liu (University of Sheffield, UK) and Palghat P. Vaidyanathan (California Institute of Technology, US)
- Array Signal Processing for Radio Astronomy, organized by Yimin Daniel Zhang (Temple University, US)
- Target Tracking, organized by Peter Willett (University of Connecticut, US)
- Massive-MIMO and Millimeter Wave Communications for 5G and Beyond, organized by Lei Zhang (University of Glasgow, UK) and De Mi (University of Surrey, UK)
- Signal Processing and Communications for Resilient Autonomous Systems, organized by Dimitris A. Pados (Florida Atlantic University, US) and Panos P. Markopoulos (Rochester Institute of Technology, US)