Full-length papers with maximum four pages of content and one extra page only for references should be electronically submitted, i.e. the maximum length of a paper is five and the fifth page can only contain references.
For manuscript templates (either Microsoft Word or Latex) for IEEE conference proceedings, please follow this link.
Please follow the link to enter the EDAS on-line submission system.
The manuscript must be submitted before the deadline of 24 February, 2018.
Please note that:
(1) For each accepted paper, at least one author must register with the workshop by 20th May, 2018 at a regular/full (non-student and non-life member) rate.
(2) One full author registration can cover up to three papers.
(3) Each paper must be presented by one of its authors.
Final paper submission:
Manuscripts must be IEEE Xplore-compatible. If the manuscript does not meet IEEE Xplore compliance, it will NOT be published in the SAM 2018 Proceedings and the IEEE Xplore.
To meet these requirements, you must check your PDF file to ensure that it is compliant by using the IEEE PDF eXpress system. IEEE PDF eXpress allows the authors to directly generate IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs from their source files (Conversion Function) or to check their own PDFs for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check Function).
a) Access the IEEE PDF eXpress web site: www.pdf-express.org
b) Enter the conference ID: 41442X.
c) Click “New Users – Click Here” if you do not have an account and follow the registration steps. Otherwise, login with your email and password.
d) Click “Create New Title” for each of your SAM papers.
e) Enter identifying text for the paper and click “Submit File for Checking or Converting”.
f) Click “Browse” and navigate to the file. The selected file can be a PDF to be checked for compatibility or other format to be converted to PDF. See http://www.pdf-express.org/frhelp.asp for more details.
g) Click “Upload File”. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful upload.
h) You will receive an email with your Checked PDF or IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF attached. If you submitted a PDF for Checking, the email will show if your file passed or failed.
Follow the EDAS link at the start to enter the EDAS on-line submission system.
The manuscript must be submitted before 20th May, 2018.